The Fire Cycle of the year begins
This is the harvest - the cycle of fulfillment. What we have sown bears fruit for our use and our pleasure. The next cycle (water) will have these fruits to use as resources. Here we must take particular care to preserve the fruits and not waste them or let them rot on the vine. This, too, is a season of actual work. The abortions that occur in this cycle are generally caused by gorging on the fruit instead of saving some for the next cycle. Self control and discipline are vital during this cycle.
A new cycle begins at the Fall Equinox and ends with the Winter Solstice. As we gather in what we have grown we see the results of our choices. How shall we process these fruits of our year? Thanksgiving rituals have predominated during this season in almost every culture as we carefully bring in what we have grown and keep the good seeds for a future cycle. This year it seems even more important than usual to be specific in what seeds we keep. What do you want to grow in the future? For me I keep the valuable seeds of harmony. Of respect. Of the excitement of discovery. Of Love.
Many weeds I toss into the compost to be transformed into good soil for next year – Let’s toss fear; judgement; anger; greed. These weeds can choke our fruit if we let them, but in the cycle of transformation every nutrient is saved and used to nourish next year’s seeds.
May you enjoy your harvest time. May you celebrate with gratitude and amazement as you move forward through these unique times. Love, Allana