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Himalayan Bath Salt  AKA Ancient Sea Bath Salt, Jurassic Sea Salt These beautiful salts come to us from the Himalayan mountains through careful, sustainable harvesting. These salts are full of up to 84 valuable trace minerals, giving these salts a beautiful, natural pink colouring. These salts are great for soaking in the tub with, or soaking your feet! Salts add that touch more relaxation to your down time and are so great for you! You can add your favourite scents to them too! Why not create a custom blend perfect for you and add it to your salts for an ultra grand bath experience! These amazing salts also come in lamp form! Great for keeping around electronics to reduce radiation in the room, but dont leave them in the direct sunlight! These salts love to melt in the sun. Available in 4 oz, 8oz and 1 kg sizes AVOID EYES, DO NOT USE INTERALLY, DO NOT USE PURE BLENDS DIRECTLY ON SKIN, KEEP OUT OF REACH FROM CHILDREN, BE CAUTIOUS IF USING WHILE ON MEDICATIONS OR PREGNANT, PLEASE CHECK SAFETY DATA SHEET ON EACH INDIVIDUAL OIL IN BLEND PRIOR TO USE, KEEP OUT OF REACH FROM PETS.

Himalayan Sea Salts

SKU: SA2112

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